Sunday, August 3, 2008

Coming soon...

A couple more days, and something is going to happen.

Yes, it's my 21st birthday.

I have gone a long way since then. I've always wondered since I was young how I would feel getting there, and where I would be at that time.

Now, I'm days away from reaching adulthood.

Honestly, I don't feel anything at all, but this should be a big deal!

I was applying for my working visa last month and my counsellor noticed it and asked me if I would be celebrating the occasion. I wondered if I would. We'll see how it goes.

I have to stop writing because I have a rectum irritation and I feel the need to answer the call of nature XD I know this is disgusting but wahay! That's just me.


Anonymous said...

More often than not, its the parents, relatives and maybe some friends who gets excited about the occasion rather than the b-day boy or girl. for myself, i still feel pretty much like a 12 year old out to see the world, rather than a 21 year old who had been there done it.

Anonymous said...

well, my 21st birthday was nothing and until now, when i turned 23, it was much more subdued ( i had to work on that day,and summore i was in redang getting burnt to death and shouted vulgar words by the production people!)

so its great to be 21, but in a sense that you have to know that as you get older, birthdays are not a big deal anymore. I am still dealing with it.