Tuesday, April 22, 2008

FITna-ah (My version)

It’s been a long time since I stepped into my blog since my outburst a few weeks ago. Went on a trip, ate some gorgeous food, especially Gelato and came back with good memories and new friends. For a moment, my life seemed perfect. I can’t help but grudge time for going so fast, and by the time I noticed, I was going back and my old worries came back to me again.

Actually, I am supposed to do a review about the list of Anime I’ve watched. Noticed the amount of anime I have been exposed by my friends, which is more than any anime I have watched in my entire lifetime!!! I’m seriously going to be branded an “otaku” if I don’t snap myself out of this soon. But I guess my trip as negated the effect somehow.

Still, I can’t help but introduce some of the anime I’ve watched, because they have accompanied me when everything seemed gray, and they actually made me think after watching them. Some of them are really meaningful, some of them are just slapstick comedy just to cheer me up. Mind you, I’m a depressed person. Usually I have to cheer myself up or I will just make my already sour face curdle more milk into cheese instead. I might even end up with some Gorgonzola like those torrid times I had in Form Six. ‘Nough said, I HATE Form 6, and thinking about it just makes me want to puke whenever I see anyone claiming U6F1 of 2006 was one of the best classes. In fact, we were crap and most of us just screwed Chemistry, how do I know? Being a Chemistry teacher in my school, I had to take the flak and answer Pn. Ng’s query about what appalling results we got. So shut up about how good it was. We sucked in class co-ordination, we have idiots running the class administration, and having nonsensical people disrupting the classes we had. Not to mention the crap play we created. I bought the disc, but I never even wanted to watch my own play that I had put so much effort into. What is there to be proud of? Not to mention having to sit on the floor after some crap idiot taking away my seat just because he had no sense of brain at all.(I personally believe that he did it on purpose because he got shifted to another table and had to take mine so that he can sit beside her and also kick me out, killing two birds with one stone.) Now even my most prominent blog reader is his best friend.

What the hell has this world gone into?

I’m actually making friends with the enemy.

I’m fraternizing with the people who think garbage is gold.

Might as well go say hi to him and hug him and thank him for showing what a dick I am and suck his **lls like Gillian Chung.

I keep living in the past aren’t I?

I came across something I saw on someone else’s T-Shirt saying this: "We can’t live in the past, but the past lives within us."

I hate my past. But it keeps me from straying. I don’t wish to remember it. But I remember it because it reminds me of things I should do and should not do so that I would not fail again.
I’ve even made friends with a fool that blasted me 5 minutes into a conversation. I was being polite and trying to at least get to know someone before even giving them anything personal. This fool (so shall we quote this person from now on) made an abrupt entrance by giving me a good blast for all the courtesy I give. Somehow this reminds me of the fact that being nice pays nothing at all.

In fact I’m not surprised that this happened. Especially from knowing someone who is BFF to garbage.

Sometimes I get so fed up with people using hormone imbalance as an excuse to say why they said the wrong things when they were cranky, or when they did something wrong, or to get away with any activity they don’t feel like doing so (especially swimming). I wish I can feel how much hormonal upheavals they experience to even guess why they have the liberty to even unleash their imbalance on people with no consideration at all.

Then if I may ask, if one can launch hormonal imbalances towards people, horny men should also vent their sexual frustration on people as well? Stimulations such as these are also caused by hormonal imbalances secreted by the glands and since it is a hormonal imbalance, why is this expression checked? Is it because it actually causes harm towards someone? Fair enough.

If that is so, then being traumatized by hormonal-imbalanced ranting also needs checking. This also causes serious trauma towards innocent people who are passing by and subjugated or forced upon to listen and be victims of half of the population in this world? Why should one have the liberty to “rape” people’s ears and mind while the other is checked? If everyone can go all over the place and shove hormonal imbalances to everyone, there is one heck of a hormone tsunami we can make to hit around the world ten times over. We might even use this as our solution towards fuel shortage with all the potential energy it can unleash.

Having fits or being unhappy doesn’t mean one can just get away by claiming hormonal imbalance. You have the right to be unhappy, but you cannot force me to be as unhappy as you. Fair enough, I do not have to be unhappy just because you tried to make me unhappy. But I have the right not to tolerate your unhappiness.

In fact this supposedly anime report has turned into another hormonal outburst.

Delete me off your Facebook account, MSN, like I care.

Go ahead and tell everyone what an ass or small-gassed person I am, like I care.

I do not believe in giving face just because you have two coconuts more and a banana less than me.

Like I said, I have the right not to tolerate anything I do not feel like it. I have my right to decide what I want to write. It’s unfortunate for you to even lay eyes on this article, too bad, my bad.
If anyone feels like taking a plunge after her, be my guest. I have no need of people who only wants to walk over me like a clumsy dinosaur and crap around like a fool.

It’s no wonder why they go extinct. Hormonal imbalance.*chuckles*


Ei Mun A.k.a. MUNkey C. said...

I've to say i'm guilty of that most of the time--blaming it all on hormones when i act unreasonable--which is most of the time btw.
but fortunately i've extremely nice ppl ard me who hav been forgiving enough to forgive me (or maybe they r secretly holding grudges against me i dunno):P
i'll remind myself not to be hormonal anymore :)

-tAkEmOtO- said...
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-tAkEmOtO- said...

Actually eimun it's none of your fault. It's somebody else. Somebody who is inconsiderate and a pain in the ass. The fact of that person having no remorse is something i think proves to me that she is a piece of junk. Worse now i can't even talk to the person who introduced me to her.

Don't sweat about it Mun, u're not at fault at all. ^^ I think u're way better than her. At least u would reflect yourself. Some people have no shame at all.