Sunday, September 16, 2007

Pigs Aren't Stupid...

Who says pigs are stupid?

Well, somehow the Hongkees have a saying, stupid like a pig(chun dou chek chu gam yeong)... i think that is where we are accustomed to relate stupidity with pigs...

It pains me to see how such a useful animal is being degraded...and did not receive the recognition it supposedly should have...

If u ever watched the much debated MTV of namewee, u should read the comments below... especially from other opinions is something...but using insults to scold someone is another...and somehow, this has erupted into another racial issue, and if u read further on, pigs are in the thick of action...

Just how stupid are pigs? I don't have any statistical data here, but i do not believe that they are any more foolish nor smarter than any other animal in the animal kingdom...they are animals, correct, and with the amount of these animals in the world, i think their survival rate is an excellent gauge to determine whether they are stupid enough to become extinct...if they are, i think we should see fewer numbers in this world...

I wish i had a book to understand why is it important to insult this animal? A religon that denies or despises a creation of God, has to have a good reason why they should hate it... A cow isn't consumed by Hindus because the Cow is believed to be holy, fair enough...but is it so, to pigs? No, pigs are always depicted to be dirty, stupid and a pollution to the enviroment. How about the story about the 3 little pigs and the bing bad wolf...of the three, one was smart enough to build a concrete fact, three are smart enough to even build houses...but we cannot gauge simply on childhood stories, but what we can be sure is that pigs sweat a lot, and the mud they put all over their bodies is simply to cool off, as like many animals, like elephants, turtles, seals, walruses, and so on do it as well, only that they somehow still look acceptible, or blended with the soil so well that it doesn't make any difference, that we accept them and so no more of its dirtiness? If u ever had a pet, any pet would smell even after a few hours after its bath...there is no reason we should label pigs dirty, all animals, and people who don't bath, and with lewd thinking, are dirty as well...

All life forms cause waste...including plants, where the fruit u eat is sometimes waste of plants where nutrients that were not needed were accumulated in bright, nice-smelling fruits so that they attract animals or other life forms to remove their waste. Like they say, one man's meat is another man's poison...the poison or waste of plants, may be the much needed nutrients of another persons'...cows, goats, pandas, insects, even humans, cause is not just pigs that do why victimise it? One should not speak just because they like it, but to somehow see that the words they depict makes sense or not...

Eating pork doesn't mean u will be as stupid as they say, eating tiger penis doesn't mean u can be strong, all night long... drinking bear bile doesn't mean u can be as powerful as them...but somehow, the psychology of aquiring the physical forms or the rumoured strengths of these animals encouraged people to consume them, and when people relate this further on, eating animals became a synonym with it, where animal characters are believe to directly absorbed when u consume them... Hmm..if that is so, wouldn't cannibals become the most intelligent humans on earth...because they eat the most intelligent being on Earth, humans?

I am personally dissapointed with people who are selfish, wealth-seeking, and inconsiderate. It is not only the yellow-skinned that are always wealth-seeking... caucasians, african americans, indians, everyone not tell me that u do not want one would reject having more in their pockets to spend, they only complain having less... we are depicted so simply because we are seen working day and night, non-stop, and always talk about the value of meney we have spent... we do care about what we are spending, because we know, we do not have any safety nets, if we go over the ridge...we earn so much, because we know, we have a lot of things that we want to earn and aquire things with our own money is being independent, to aquire things and yet having to rely on others is being lazy...spending because we can, not just because we want to, is something that is the pride of that shouldn't been taken away, but to be understood and emulated, in order to improve oneself. To whine and grumble, or be green-eyed and jealous is being naive... pride is one of the seven sins, and i believe, though i am do not wear the cross, that because of pride, we have som much problems and become unwilling to change, because they would look stupid to change...the greatest nations in the world changed when in need, the Roman Empire changed their military tactics when they were not working, and formed a new tactic of having one single standard soldier called a legionary, rather than having different groups of hastati, triarii, and velites supporting the equites or horsemen, they conquered and beaten every single army after that, regardless of what they faced...the Japanese changed their policy of military might, after the World War, to focuse on industry, much to the disdain of everyone, and now, they monopolize markets all over the world with their goods...during these processes of transition, there is bound to be jeers, taunts, and hackles from the outside, and yet, pride of these people would've caused imminent halt to the changes in hand, but enduring the shame and change made them even one should be tied down by pride, but know that success is out there waiting to be taken... and pride should be thrown down in order to achieve success...Genghis Khan would've given up conquering China if he did not change his glory seeking hit-and run tactics...and embrace the much despised siege warfare and psychology changing...he had crossed walls where calvary had failed to do so...and earned riches for beyond his dreams...

I do not subjugate any particular group of people, but to people who choose to be ignorant, and unable to swallow their pride because in fear of losing face...there is no shame in losing face, there is shame in having the knowledge to change but yet deny it because of face... There is a long way to go, and we have not yet earned that much face to be unable to put down...just put it down, and do whatever it takes to gain even more by changing...

There is no use in labelling people pigs...just because they eat pigs...the point is that they eat pork, and yet they could perform well, even with such insulting remarks on them...i do not recommend that we all do so, but to let us see that it doesn't matter at all, whatever you eat, but who you are, and what you can do and how you think that affects it...pigs are not stupid... ignorant men don't eat them instead.....